Journal Entry ~ 08/28/19
So Abraham called the name of that place, "The LORD will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided." - Genesis 22:14
I really needed a week in this scripture - one that reminds me daily that the Lord will provide. Life has away of knocking the wind right out of you, of distracting you from His truth...and lately, there have been some difficult days. When it's tough, I'm so thankful He reminds me of His truth every single day.
He will provide. He knows my heart struggles intimately, and while He works on helping me right my perspective and desires, He also assures me He will answer my prayers. He brings me such peace that I don't even need to know how He's going to take care it each situation, I just have the calm assurance that He will, and the anticipation that I get to see Him at work.
God gives us His Word to assure us of His promises, and to remind us daily that we can trust in Him to provide all that we need. We have no reason to fear. Yet, many of us struggle to live in the victory of that truth. We get up from our quiet places and the world starts to throw its lies at us, and we so quickly fall back in defeat. There are days when I don't want to leave this place. But I do - because I know if I put the armor of His truth on, and I go out there to fight the spiritual battle, people are watching and seeing Him at work in and through me...and though it can be exhausting some days, it is always for His glory.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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