Journal Entry ~ 09/06/19

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. - Joshua 1:8

We were created to meditate - God, in all His great wisdom, designed us to ponder and think about things. We can roll things around in our minds and look at them from different angles, learning something new from each perspective. Meditation is uniquely human, no other creation of His has the ability to meditate. 

It is a beautiful gift of God's grace to be able to meditate, as it is in that meditation that we grow and mature in our understanding of God and His Word.  He gave us this gift so that deeper truths would be revealed to us in our meditations of His Word, ultimately allowing His Word to have a greater impact as we apply it to our lives. 

The problem is since we were created to meditate, we are always meditating on something. Our minds are always rolling around some thought, something that happened, something that could happen, and looking at the situation from different perspectives.  Oftentimes, these type of spiraling thoughts can lead to despair. When we meditate on our past mistakes, our meditations fall into despair, when we meditate on our future fears, our meditations race into anxiety. 

This is why we are instructed to capture our thinking. God knows us. He knows He gave us this beautiful gift of meditation so that we can deeply learn and apply the truths of His Word to our lives, but He also knows that gift can get us into trouble. We have to become aware of our meditations, and be sure they are only on His Word. When I notice my thoughts running down a rabbit hole, I work hard to replace them with the scripture I'm memorizing. I will repeat the scripture verse over and over - out loud if I have to, until the spiraling thoughts have left my mind and been replaced with the beautiful words of my King. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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