Journal Entry ~ 09/07/19

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. - Joshua 1:8

It's no mistake that in this critical juncture in Israel's history, that we find this passage. Three times surrounding this specific passage, God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous (v6,7,9). Three times!  Joshua must have been terrified at the future in front of him, he must have doubted that anything good could come of his situation, he must have feared the battles that lie in front of him. 

Not very different from our lives at times - while we are not military leaders on the brink of conquest, we do often look at our future with fear and dread. And if God can tell Joshua to be strong and courageous in his situation, I know he means the same for mine...and my life struggles pale by comparison. 

God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous multiple times at this time, but it is in our passage that He tells us how to find the courage he needs. Meditation on His Word. It is the knowing of His Word intimately for ourselves that battle the fears which consume us. God didn't mean for Joshua to read quickly through a chapter of scripture in the morning so he could check it off his list of obediences, but that he would be captivated by His Word, and build his life on its truths. He is to know it so well that his drifting thoughts throughout the day go there go to His Word. God's Word is to be instruction to his life, it is to give him direction and guidance, it is to transform his mind, it is to impact his relationships and his affections, and it is to inspire his actions. It is to saturate every aspect of his life - and it cannot do that if he is just checking it off a list. 

Does His Word have this impact in our lives?  Do we spend enough time in it to allow it to have this impact?  Contemplating the importance I place on His Word in my daily battle this morning. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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