Journal Entry ~ 10/09/19

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. - John 10:27-28

What is so beautiful about this verse is that it's promise should bring us joy. As we reflect on an eternal life with Him, it should cause a shift in our thinking. When you take an eternal perspective on your life, it changes the way you see your trials and your day to day challenges. 

Keeping our eyes focused on an eternal perspective can get our thinking to a place of joy, no matter what we may be facing in life because an eternal perspective takes into consideration His bigger plan. Our joy is a result of knowing and believing He is at work, even when we don't understand it. A supernatural delight in the purposes of God means you know there’s something bigger going on here, something so far beyond the temporal that’s unfolding according to God’s plan. And we can always take joy in God’s purposes because we know they are for our good. 

You see, if we were only living for the here and now, our trials would have no purpose, and it would make sense to avoid them at all cost. If all we're living for is the next 15 minutes, then our happiness is as fleeting as those moments. But those of us who are committed to a higher purpose and see this short life in its eternal perspective can get our thinking to a place of joy—no matter what’s in front of us. We know there is a plan and a purpose for our tears and our pain because we understand His ultimate goal is to bring all people to know Him and to refine those of us who do. From that perspective, this promise brings us great joy. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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