Journal Entry ~ 10/12/19

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9

What an amazing verse to meditate on for the week - I just love the truths locked up in this verse. God is looking for those He can give His strength to, but He's not looking for people who are working for Him, He's looking for people who's hearts are blameless. HE’S the great worker. He’s the one with broad, burden-bearing shoulders. He’s the strong one. And He is looking for ways to show it. 

We have such a tendency to want to take on the work and do it ourselves. We spend so much energy worrying about how to get it all done, or how to fix the problems in front of us. Just stop. He doesn't want you to do it all. So what does He want from us? Not what we might expect. He wants our hearts to be blameless. He wants our anxieties, our needs, our cries for power to do His will. He wants us to confess our sin and our pride. He wants our hearts to be clean. He wants our focus to be on Him and His will, not us and our will. 

God will gladly receive anything from us that shows our dependence and His all-sufficiency, and He will return that surrender with strength. God wants our surrender and our confession of pride as we try to own it and run it all ourselves. We don't have a right to self determine our lives, we don't have a right to expect people to behave in a certain way, and we don't have a right to have it our way. 

So much anxiety in our lives is borne of those expectations —->THAT is the reason so many of us struggle. Stop expecting. He determines our paths. Lay down what you thought was supposed to be your life, and accept the life you have in Him, in the little stuff and in the big stuff. Make His priorities your priorities. Clean our your hearts and completely surrender. And then watch the strength rush in to you. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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