Journal Entry ~ 10/18/19
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9
The eyes of our Lord are looking over the earth for people to bless with His strength, but He's looking for hearts who are blameless toward Him. The reality is that none of us are blameless - not on our own, at least. The only reason we can be considered blameless is because the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ covers us as God sets His eyes on us.
So many of us spend so much time trying to become blameless in the eyes of the Lord. We see a list of attributes in scripture, and we think we need to do those things. We determine to be more loving, to be more patient, to serve others more. The problem is when we try to do these things apart from God, we fail. We end up exhausted because we working off our agenda and not His, we end up feeling self-righteous because we’re serving others without any return, we end up offended because people misunderstand our motives, or they’re still harsh with us despite our best efforts toward them. We fall back in to the trap of sin because we’re trying to produce fruit of the Spirit in our own power. We cannot become blameless on our own. We become blameless because He is at work in us, not because we set about to be a better person. We move toward blameless when we do those things that strengthen His Spirit in us spending time in the Word, in prayer, at church, and in fellowship.
When we surrender our lives to the one and only King Jesus, we surrender our rights to demand anything. We surrender our right to demand to be heard or understood, we surrender our right to demand fairness and justice, we surrender our right determine our path, we surrender our right to respect, or even love as we determine it.
But we gain so much in return. We gain a loving father who pursues us with a steadfast love, comforts us with a peace that surpasses all understanding, stands as our steady rock, and gives us strong support when we are weak.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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