Journal Entry ~ 10/24/19

but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.  - Isaiah 40:31

Ever dealt with circumstances or people that have left you totally drained and lacking energy in your service for God?  I have. Although I try hard to support and encourage people, there are times when it seems like everyone in the world needs my attention.  Don’t get me wrong—I love to help.  But sometimes you get to the point where you can’t talk to one more person; there’s nothing left to give.  You need a strength that transcends your own.

When we are feeling drained or exhausted, it’s an indication that we are working on our own timeline, not God’s. God would never create an agenda for us that leaves us exhausted. He created a timeline for Him that specifically has time in it to renew our strength in Him. He set aside a whole day of rest for us. 

The world would tell us that we don’t have time to rest, or that it’s lazy to take time off. We listen to the voices in the world that tell us we need to take care of this and that, so we run around trying to meet the expectations of those around us. Our days become filled with taking care of responsibilities or even serving others, and we become exhausted. The more exhausted we become, this higher our anxiety grows. And we wonder why He’s not rescuing us, or why He continues to heap more stuff on us. 

That’s not God’s plan. It’s yours. His plan is that you would rest in Him. His plan is to give you strength to face the week by giving you a day to rest in Him. Consider why you struggle to take that time? Consider why you have a difficult time saying no to other people or additional responsibilities. In those reasons, you’ll find what you are placing before Him, what you need to surrender. 

For me, it was value from other people’s opinion of me. I longed to hear I was a good person from others, so I would pack my schedule with the service of others. Yes, God calls us to serve others before ourselves, but if the hidden motive behind your service to Him is for self-praise, you’re fulfilling your own agenda. And you’re going to end up exhausted. 

We are to rest in Him. In Him, we will find our strength. If we leave no time to rest in Him, we will find ourselves drained. Surrender your agenda to Him, and take the rest He offers. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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