Journal Entry ~ 11/03/19

9 He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way. 10 All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.  - Psalm 25:9-10

I find such comfort in this verse because it is a reminder of His love and His faithfulness to me, something to cling to when the world is challenging and the enemy is lurking. His steadfast love is always there, unchanging, ever faithful - no matter what we do. It never ceases and He will never give up. A steadfast love is a pursuing, everlasting love that continues to come after us even when we turn our backs on Him. He doesn't get angry and lash out when we hurt Him, He doesn't cross His arms and give us the silent treatment, He isn't fickle, loving us one moment and indifferent the next, He isn't annoyed when we come to Him over and over again with the same request.  

He is always loving, always welcoming, always there for us with the same open and loving arms to receive us regardless of the state we're in. His love is perfect. And if you've become at all familiar with the love of God, you know how personal His love is for us. It isn't a love that just blankets all people on earth, it is a love specific to each of us. He loves me. He knows my joys, my desires, my purpose, and He knows my heartache and my grief. He saves every one of my tears in a bottle - those I've cried in joy and those I've cried in despair. 

We must remember in difficult circumstances that God still loves us, and because He loves us, He is working all things for our good. Everything He allows, everything He withholds, every difficult season, every stretching circumstance, He means it for our good, because He is good. His disposition is kindness and He is loving. He is for us and He is good because He loves us far more than we can possibly imagine. There is such peace in that understanding for me on my most difficult days. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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