Journal Entry ~ 11/22/19
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. - 1 Corinthians 1:18
Studying this verse has actually brought me peace and understanding about the unbelievers in my life. It doesn't make me any happier about their situation, my heart still grieves for their loss, but it has brought me peace because it has lifted the burden from my shoulders. You see, I have a tendency to take responsibility for the unbelief of my loved ones.
We all know unbelievers. There are people in our lives who think the Word of God is folly, and when those people are close to us, this difference can become a point of contention. We so desperately want them to know the love of Christ, but sharing the Gospel with these people can often begin arguments. They think we’re foolish, and we just want them to see the light.
I have a tendency - especially with my sons - to take ownership of their unbelief, like somehow I caused it or I'm not doing enough to change it. There are times when my control issues can creep up over the situation, and I'll start to feel if I just say the right things or do the right things, I'll be able to convince them that Jesus is real and He died for their sins.
To add to my own guilt, I used to feel the judgment of other people when they learn I have children that are unbelievers. I take responsibility for their choices - if only I had done something differently, they would be believers or if I was a better Christian, my children would all be Christians.
But that's not how it works at all, and now I recognize those thoughts as the enemy's attack. The sad reality is people who don’t believe in Christ are blind. They can’t see Christ as supremely valuable and so they won’t receive him. A work of God is needed in their lives to open their eyes so they can see and receive Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives.
So, I continue to be humble, and I continue to fall before the throne of grace and ask Him to open their eyes to the truth, knowing and trusting that God's plan - even in this, is all for good.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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