Journal Entry ~ 11/26/19
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Romans 8:18
When we encounter suffering in our lives, it is natural for us to deny or resist, or to look for a quick way out. We may cry out in anger or deep sadness because of the injustice of it all. We were created in the image of the Maker of the universe, who by His very nature, defines perfect justice, so it is only natural for us to demand justice. It's in our core.
The problem is that this instinct can cause our minds to turn dark if we allow it. We can become bitter at the unfairness of our lives, we can seek revenge, or turn our backs on God in anger. It is so important to guard our hearts when walking through difficult trials, my friends.
We all know bitter people in our lives - their hearts have been calloused and the spirit has such a difficult time penetrating the hardness. The words in this verse are perfect for battling the grief or anger encountered in our most challenging trials - we must focus our thoughts on the eternal. He has allowed this trial into our lives for a purpose that is beautiful, and nothing we deal with in this life comes close the the glory that will be revealed to us.
This truth, this promise is what I cling to as I face my most difficult trials. I don't have to like it, I can be frustrated at the injustice of it, and I am often saddened by the fact that I battle difficulties that will last a lifetime, but I know they are all for a purpose - I know He is making me new with each trial and He is impacting the lives of people around me, and I know it doesn't compare to the glory that is coming. Continuing to remind myself of this truth shrinks my trial in size, and magnifies His glory.
Press on ~ you are loved 💗
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