Journal Entry ~ 11/28/19

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Romans 8:18

The beauty of our trials is that they are making us new. Some of the most empathetic, loving and most compassionate people I know have been through deep valleys of heartache. Our struggles have the power to change our perspective on life, on other people, on ourselves. It changes what and who we value. We let go of our desires for the things of the world, and long for the eternal. 

One of my dear friends brought me to tears the other day with her kind words. She reminded me God chooses people He knows can shine His light through difficult trials so others can see His glory. My deepest desire is to shine His light for others to see as I walk through trials.  

That desire rubs up against the world all the time, and I can get trapped in trying to resolve difficult situations according to the world standards. As much as I desire to bring Him glory as I walk through the peaks and valleys of life, I can get distracted by what’s in front of me. I need the constant reminder that this life is to be lived for Him, not for me. 

This time I have with Him in the morning is so precious to me for that end. This is the time He surrounds me with His love, His comfort, His wisdom, and His strength. He reminds me of His purpose as He draws me close. I simply could not live my life for Him without this time every day. I’ve tried. I would go through the motions, but when things got tough, I would retreat to my flesh responses. When I make Him a priority every morning, giving Him the first fruits of the day, I feel His strength to endure whatever my day holds. It’s not that I don’t get distracted by the challenges, but I hear the promptings of the Spirit so much quicker. 

I want to be able to live my life out loud for others to see. My desire is to reach as many people as possible with the light of Christ while I walk through life. He is transforming me, He is changing my perspective and my desires, and He is making me new with each new challenge. Any suffering I have to endure is nothing compared to the glory of watching Him work.  

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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