Journal Entry ~ 12/01/19

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Romans 8:18

Our days are numbered here on earth. The time we spend in this broken world, dealing with heartache and trials is momentary compared to the eternity we will spend with Him, and it is nothing compared to the glory that is to be revealed to us. Focusing on the fact that this is not our home has always brought me peace when I am facing injustices or troubling circumstances.  It is true there is peace to be found there, but the problem with this perspective is it has had me focusing on the trials, and I don't think that's what God's plan is for us.  

My diagnosis changed my perspective on what my focus should be with the time I have left on this earth.  When my fears well up inside me, I remind myself that yes - my days on this earth may be numbered, but the reality is cancer doesn't number my days, Jesus does. Every single day I have is a gift from Him - always has been and always will be, no matter how many I have left. They're numbered. We're not meant to be idly gliding through our days, letting life just happen around us. We're meant to be intentional about the time we have here.  We're not meant to be holding on till the end, rocking in the corner somewhere, looking at the evil in the world and our trials, just finding peace in the fact that all this will be over eventually - that's not His plan. We are meant to live our faith out loud.  

Those of us who are believers in Christ have a purpose and a mission for our numbered days - we are to be making disciples. Not some of the time, all of the time. Every day we get up, go to work, spend time with the family, run errands or do chores, we are to be working on our mission. Every encounter we have with another person should be purposeful and working toward fulfilling the great commission in some way - whether it is a gentle or patient response, a kind or loving word, a joyful outlook on a challenging situation, an encouragement to someone struggling, or a humble act of service to others. Every word I say, every look I give, every shallow conversation and every deep one - they should all be pointing people to Him in some way. 

I could spend my numbered days with a focus on the challenges I'm dealing with in my life, complaining to others or feeling sorry for myself, trying to make my life easier or more fulfilled, or I could make every single day I've got here count for the kingdom. I want to live every moment as an opportunity to share His love with others - that's where you will find an abundance of peace and joy in your life. Every moment counts. 

Press on ~ you are loved 💗


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