Journal Entry ~ 12/31/19

Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. - 1 Peter 4:19

If God wanted our lives to be easy, they would be. But the reality is, He intends for our lives to be tools of refinement, growing us closer to Him every day.

When we enter seasons of suffering, many of us begin to question God’s goodness - wondering why He would allow such difficult circumstances if He loved us. I have heard countless stories of God allowing the very thing that we fear the most to happen to us. How could a loving God allow trials and tragedy to enter our lives if He wants the best for us? These questions cause us to question God’s faithfulness and His promises.

My friends, God has not been unfaithful in any way, and He does not leave His promises unfulfilled. The problem is not with God, it is with us. We are often not on the same page as God - our agendas are different, so we grow frustrated with His decision to allow something difficult into our lives. What’s important to God is not as important to us, and what’s important to us is not as important to God.

Our definition of what God should give us is a comfortable, secure, peaceful life. We want things to be easy, and the moment they’re not, we begin to question His goodness. We think the world should be free of any kind of suffering, and be full of human affirmation. We want to be served, we want our way. And the minute that things start to go wrong - in our days or our world, we begin to question how a loving God could allow such tragic things to exist.

But you simply need to spend some time on scripture to see this is not God’s plan for us. He doesn’t promise us an easy life, free of pain and suffering. No, He tells us He allows the suffering for a purpose:

 2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. - James 1:2-4

His plan is to grow us continually toward perfection. Thankful for a God who cares enough to come after us, even as we shake our fists at what He’s allowed in our lives.

Press on, ladies ~ you are loved 💗


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